
Featured Resources

Analyst Reports

Analyst Report Bundle

Pyramid already had a strong reputation with enthusiastic customers. Now, we’re turning heads within the analyst community.


Introduction to the Decision Intelligence Platform

Introducing.. The Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform.



Decision Intelligence Directors Series–Ascot London Consulting

Learn how customer-centric Ascot London Consulting helps companies maximize the value of their data.


Data to Decision: Authoring, Analytics, and SAP

Learn how to strengthen your existing SAP investments with direct query capabilities in just fifteen minutes!


Say Hello to Decision Intelligence

Making business decisions is tough. Pyramid can help. Say hello to decision intelligence.


Decision Intelligence Directors Series–Snap Analytics

Learn about the challenges of analyzing data in SAP ecosystems and how Snap Analytics unlocks its potential.

Analyst Reports

Aberdeen Strategy & Research: Democratized Analytics – More Than Just Speed-to-Decision

Aberdeen looks at tech investments that tear down data silos and provide insights, enabling enhanced collaboration and improved decision-making.


Tabulate and Solve for Business and Decision Modeling

Overview of Tabulate and Solve for Business and Decision Modeling (central components of the ‘Data Factory for Decisions’)


Decision Intelligence Platform for SAP – Overview

See how the Pyramid Analytics Decision Intelligence Platform gets more out of your SAP data in less than two minutes!


Decision Intelligence Directors Series–Datazed

A fifteen-minute conversation between Pyramid Analytics’ Kate Tickner and Datazed’s Charles Joseph.

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