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Analyst Reports

Analyst Report Bundle

Pyramid already had a strong reputation with enthusiastic customers. Now, we’re turning heads within the analyst community.


Introduction to the Decision Intelligence Platform

Introducing.. The Pyramid Decision Intelligence Platform.



Pyramid + SAP – Infographic Video

Learn about Pyramid’s SAP capabilities in this animated infographic.


Truth or Myth? Significant impacts occur when your data sources change

When data sources change, analytics and reporting are the first to break. Not so fast…


Data-to-Insights: Big Data and the Global Supply Chain

Data to Insights in 15 Minutes: Looking at big data use cases within the ever-changing global supply chain


Truth or Myth? Data-driven decision-making will never reach non-technical people

Even people without technical skills can gain insight from analytics and BI.


Truth or Myth? An analytics dashboard can only display one source of data

A decision intelligence platform enables any person to display disparate data sources on a single dashboard.


Truth or Myth? All analytical tools deliver the same capabilities and value

Tools are the same—a decision intelligence platform delivers insights for everyone.

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